New York, NY
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Contact / Directions

Important: Any directions or maps provided by Classic Harbor Line are only a rough guide. You are responsible for arriving at the activity’s meeting location on time, so make sure to check with a second source that can provide specific directions from your starting point.

Chelsea Piers, Pier 62

Click for full-size map (PDF)

Map of Chelsea Piers

GPS Address: 40.7472 N, 74.0097 W

There is a cross-town bus on 23rd street that stops in Chelsea Piers across from 23rd street. (This is a westbound bus, that will go across the West Side High way and drop you off in the Chelsea Piers complex) This stop is directly across from Pier 62 on the West Side Hwy.

The C, and E trains stop at 8th Avenue and 23rd Street, and several other trains stop within walking distance as well. Please make sure to leave adequate time to arrive for your sail or cruise 20-30 minutes before departure time!

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