New York, NY
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NYC Schooner Sailing Jazz Nights in NY Harbor!

Classic Harbor Line

NYC Schooner Sailing Jazz Nights in NY Harbor!

Sailing Jazz Cruise


Brand new this year are some Jazz Nights in NY Harbor aboard the lovely Schooner America 2.0! This summer, Classic Harbor Line sets sail with the Boat Band!  Join us as we glide past the city lights of Manhattan on the decks of the magnificent Schooner America 2.0.  Enjoy complimentary beer, wine, Champagne and Jazz during the most quiet and calm moments out on New York Harbor.  This NY Harbor city lights sail is one that will instantly relax you after your long day of work and allow you to be in the good company of friends and family.  

Look for Special Alerts on the Schooner America 2.0 City Lights Calendar to attend these special outings with Jazz!

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